The CogMission Approach
At CogMission, we use a Functional Medicine approach to identify and treat the underlying causes of cognitive decline. Although we use the principles and functional testing outlined by the Bredesen Protocol, we have more than 40 years combined experience in treating complex conditions.
Even with great advances in modern medicine today, there is still no simple solution to treating cognitive decline. Because of the complexity of the illness, it has been impossible to find that magic drug that would end this debilitating condition. Despite billions of pounds being spent on trying to find a cure, western medicine is no further forward.
Dementia develops as a result of many contributing factors including genetics, hormonal factors, nutritional deficiencies and toxicity to name just a few. To find solutions for slowing down and reversing this, we must find what the individual contributors are for each person. Although we can gather a great deal of information through question taking, we do rely heavily on extensive laboratory testing to find all the possible contributors.
Finding the right solution for each person
Once we have a full picture of what has led to the development of the condition, we can then work on prioritising treatments so that we gain a synergystic effect. For example, sometimes patients present with a large number of contributors. Our challenge is to find the simplest but most effective strategy that will have the biggest effect.
Although everything we recommend and prescribe is natural, we work very closely with healthcare providers to ensure that our treatment strategies support the current treatments provided by your doctor.
We also have a very strong focus on preventative health and although our services are usually engaged in helping patients who already have a diagnosis, we often work with patients who have a genetic predisposition to prevent the onset of mental decline.